Calculate the Business Benefits of PaaS

I’ve just noticed that over on they have an intrigu­ing cal­cu­la­tor that claims to Cal­cu­late the Busi­ness Ben­e­fits of PaaS and to gen­er­ate a dol­lar value for mov­ing to PaaS, quot­ing directly from the page:

Plat­form as a Ser­vice (PaaS) is a pow­er­ful cloud solu­tion that can help solve real prob­lems today. With PaaS you can enable your devel­op­ers to work faster and allow your oper­a­tions team to pro­vide real busi­ness value by reduc­ing time-to-market for key IT services.
Use the Open­Shift Enter­prise Ben­e­fit Esti­ma­tor to help you cal­cu­late the poten­tial impact of:
- Accel­er­ated appli­ca­tion development
- Auto­mated appli­ca­tion pro­vi­sion­ing and config
- Web-scale appli­ca­tion operations
- Increased hard­ware uti­liza­tion efficiency
This tool can also help you esti­mate the ben­e­fits your orga­ni­za­tion could gain by imple­ment­ing Open­Shift Enter­prise in your environment.

Check it out here and give it a go.

I’d be inter­ested to hear how read­ers get on and it would be great if you could com­ment on this post with your results, anonymise your com­pany if you want, but it would be inter­est­ing to hear your thoughts on the results.