JBoss World 2012 Abstract Submitted

I just sub­mit­ted an abstract for a talk at JBoss World 2012, hope it gets accepted!

Real World Soft­ware Devel­op­ment with Openshift
Open­Shift is Red Hat’s free, auto-scaling platform-as-a-service for Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl and Python applications.
In this prac­ti­cal talk, Jeremy Brown will demon­strate how to use Red Hat’s Open­Shift PaaS within a team of devel­op­ers to rapidly develop software.
The talk will describe how a team of devel­op­ers can develop, test and release code in par­al­lel with­out los­ing devel­op­ment veloc­ity and will draw on real world exam­ples and insights.
Jeremy will demon­strate how to use and con­fig­ure a Jenk­ins Con­tin­u­ous Inte­gra­tion server with a Java project hosted on github.com, while mul­ti­ple devel­op­ers com­mit code and fea­tures in par­al­lel, with real time sele­nium test­ing as code is released. This talk will include code and con­fig­u­ra­tion sam­ples as well as a hands on demon­stra­tion of the end-to-end project workflow.
You will come away with a greater under­stand­ing of how you can use Open­Shift to cre­ate a highly effec­tive cloud devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment with zero server configuration.